Community Action on Homelessness

Girl Blue
Bro Sister
Man Red Hat

Homelessness is not an issue that has been left for major cities and it is increasing in Cape Breton. There is a great misconception that we do not have homelessness in our community - because we cannot see them.on park benches or on the streets. This is why they are called the 'hidden homeless'.

There is a solid chance that you know someone who is living with friends or family or in other circumstances where they are not living in their own home.

Community Action on Homelessness works with community in identifying solution to homelessness and developing affordable and safe housing strategies. We envision the Cape Breton Regional Municipality as a healthy community for all people to live.

“Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for Everyone in our community as homelessness and risk of homelessness is prevented and reduced.”

Faces of Homelessness

On Park Bench
Girl Alone
Gut Alone
Boy Graffiti
Bro Sis
Woman Unhappy

Our Mission

“Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for Everyone in our community as homelessness and risk of homelessness is prevented and reduced.”

Funded by Homelessness Partnering Initiative Service Canada

See the pdfHomelessness Partnering Strategy Community Plan 2014–2019.pdf

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Copyright © 2022 Community Action on Homelessness
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